Graphics Reflect Racism

2020: Graphics for Reflect Racism, In: Reflect Racism, Anmerkungen für eine rassismuskritische Praxis by Tuan Tran & Hubert Steiner (Hg.)





2021: Sterne, In: Assoziation, Rainer E. Zimmermann zum Siebzigsten, Doris Zeitiger (Hg.)

Game of Creativity

2018: Conference of the Design Science Institut MunichLeucorea, Wittenberg


2019: Reloaded - Das kreative Spiel mit der digitalen Welt, In: Zimmermann, R.E., Järvenpää, S., Dobler R.M. (eds.), Signifikant, Jahrbuch für Strukturwandel und Diskurs 2


A cat is a cat is a cat is a cat. Theoretical approach on Grumpy Cat as an example of digital creativity.


Game for encounter

2016: European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna

2017: Games for Health Conference, Utrecht


The Game Encounter, Citizen’s Game - Playing Society. The approach of the game is to recognise as many social figures as possible while creating a society.